First Aid Kit |
A First Aid Kit, in my opinion, is the item that you should spend time and effort researching
before you purchase. There are just too many different styles for you to choose from.
Some are designed for a special purpose, some are just a combination of simple bandages.
There are a few key criteria to consider when choosing your first aid kit. Ask yourself
the following questions:
a) What long will my trip be?
b) How remote an area am I going to?
c) What Terrain am I going to be on?
d) How many people are going with me?
This is my small First Aid Kit.
It supports up to 4 people for 3 days.
It's always good to bring an extra water bottle!!
My Small First Aid Kit can support up to 4 people travelling for 3 days.
For your reference, contents include:
- 3X3 Sterile Dressings (4)
- 2x2 Sterile Dressings (4)
- Conforming Gauze Bandage (1)
- 1x3 Adhesive Bandage (3)
- Knuckle Adhesive Bandage (3)
- Tape 1 in. x 10 Yards (1)
- Moleskin (4)
- AntisepticTowelettes (3)
- Lipactin / ChapStick (1 / 1)
- Isopropyl Alcohol (250ml)
- Polysporin (1 tube)
- Safety Pins (3)
- Waterproof Matches (1 box)
- Lighter(1)
- Vaseline (1oz)
- Duct Tape (10 yards)
- Can Opener (1)
- Lifesaver (1)
- Marker and Pen (1 / 1)
- Whistle / Led Light (1 / 1)
- Multi-purpose tool (1)
All these things will fit into a 1 Litre Nalgene bottle.
It becomes a waterproof first aid kit !!
This is my expedition First Aid Kit.
It will support up to 12 people for 3 weeks
For extended trips (7+ days) and trips to remote area (4+ hours to the nearest ER), you should
consider assembling a bigger and more comprehensive First Aid Kit.
It will include not only more supplies, but also a variety of tools. Examples include sunburn
lotion, DEET bug repellent, SAM Splint, a Pocket Mask for CPR, Lipactin, Iodine Solution,
Water purification tablets, epilepsy pens, emergency blankets, flashlight and first aid booklet.
Basically, anything that you think is useful for the trip can be put into a first aid kit. You
may also consider keeping an extra set of personal hygiene products in it.
I put everything into a 10L Seal Line Waterproof Bag
to prevent it to get wet. It weighs about 11 lbs.
For extended trips, you should always bring an extra set of your current
prescription drugs or any allergy drugs you take. Write up the directions on a seperate
piece of paper and keep it with the drugs in a Ziplock Bag. Give this bag to your trip
You may consider to bring along some over-the-counter medicine:
- Advil for headaches,
- Imdoium for diarrhea,
- Benadryl for allergy, and
- Ibuprofen for anti-imflammation,
and thier dosage directions.