A warm weekend to start with and a few of us went up Granite Mountain Lookout via the Winter Route.
The first hour we chose to just go up the forest following up the valley side. Once we were above the waterfall,
We were back on the snow covered valley. Snow wasn't perfect, but just crusty enough to have firm footsteps.
The steepness did pose a bit worry, where at times we were on 40° avalanche slope. As we approach to the top,
a snow pit told us that it was actually moderately dangerous to be there. We continue to go up as planned. We
got to the stop and have lunch, taken a million pictures and started to climnb down.
All of us have crampons on going on. As we approach the icy part, Jil slipped a small step. It was a frightening
moment for me to see her fall, especially I slipped and slided down a slope the week before. The whole way I
could see Jil shaken up. She was very focused and just wanted to make it down fast.
Stepping into the Alpine Lakes Wilderness
We didnt hike up the summer trail ... went straight up the gully
Going up through the side of the waterfall
Tiger (Michael s dog) was here too
Wow ...
Hello, .... I m here!
Though crusty the snow at the lower section were quite good.
Half way up .....
A snowpit told us we should not be here on this slope at all
Keep going up ...
Me =)
Me busy taking picture.
Almost to the top, getting really cold by now.
Tiger is such a trooper, of course he is a 4WD.
What about now ? (32 MB).
Looking down to see I-90 and the valley
At the lookout !
The posing moment! - Chris
The union worker - Jil
The "downside" of being at the top =)
The final stretch to the lookout.
The wind is picking up and it was not forgiving at all
Len approaching the true highest point.
Franklin at the peak peak.
Michael and Tiger
The rainbow crew at the top after lunch
Me at the peak.
Heading down was a different story ... for Jil
Jil slipped on the slope, shaken !
Before .... it happened
Putting back in the water bottle after falling off.
No kidding, it was quite challenging even with crampons
Jil was very careful taking her steps, ... I was chopping bigger