There are 33 colleges in Cambridge that forms the University of Cambridge, one the oldest and famous universities in the world.
I joined a walking tour in Cambridge, which I was explained the history of the colleges, the traditions of different colleges.
Do you know it wasn't unitl 1984, there were still colleges in Cambridge accepting men only ?
Touring the campuses were fun. The prestige and tradition was well represented by the "lawn" of the college. One may not walk
on the lawn unless you are a faculty member, or invited by a faculty member. Students are not allowed to even lie down of the lawn.
Anyhow, it was an eye-opening experience to go to Cambridge. The history, the pride, the prestige and the achivements defined Cambridge
very well. Oh, one thing I enjoyed the most while I was there, was watching tourist punting. It was so much fun watching people
falling off their punts.
Train to Cambridge, leaving from King's Cross
Tourist map in Cambridge, costs 30p !!
In case you get lost !
King's College, one the oldest colleges in Cambridge
King's college have the biggest Church on campus.
I loved the market .... fresh pastery.
Cavendish Laboratory, where DNA was discovered in 1958.
Cast iron postbox.
Notice the top right window is always open, it was believed that the girl who was killed during a fire in that room, so now they keep it open.
The Eagle, the most famous pub in Cambridge.
Everyone rides in town, students are not allowed to drive in town BTW. Estimated there are 29,000 bicycles on campus when school starts.
Stone paved alley everywhere.
Ceiling of the King's College Church
Behind the altar, choir performs here every Sunday.
This is one of those lawns that you CANNOT step on, unless ....