Squamish Chief
October 3, 2004  

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On top of the Squamish Chief
It had been cloudy and moody all week long, and I couldn't wait to get out for a hike this weekend, even if it rained. Fortunately by the time we get to the bottom of Chief, the sun was breaking out.

Trina, Gord, Gerry and I have been on the Chief many many times, and every time it seemed very different. Maybe it was because we didn't start until 11:30am, which was considered to be a bit late. I felt weird that other hikers were already coming down as we went up the slope.

Patches of sunshine were seen to the left of the valley. It smelt so fresh in the forest. Slowly we passed the forest, and began to climb on the big rocks. I loved it. The sun was right above us.

So rewarding that all clouds had moved away, and it's nothing but sunshine. It was quite crowdy up there as most hikers were enjoying their lunch in the sun.

"What a gorgeous day ...."

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Scrambling up the Slab
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Yeah yeah yeah, we're coming
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Trina, Gerry and Gord

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That's me
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Coming down is a different story

← Sep 11, Movich, Manning Park       2005 →